My Wiki


Friday, April 30, 2010

Blogging Part Of The Game

I really don't think that the blogging part of the game goes along with Globaloria. The only reason I think this is because I don't get why you have to blog on what your doing with your game. I mean I like blogging but I just don't get it, The only thing it doing is letting people see what your doing to your game. That's my opinion on blogging on my game.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Getting Ready

I'm really just working on my game and trying to get as far as I can on the game so I can gice the presentation. It's not going that well because it's getting complicated but I hope to get far on my game so it would be better in the presentation.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What I Think

I think that the tragedy on the miners was awful. I didn't know any of the mioners that died but I had a lot of friends that did and when we heard about it they started crying and when they start crying I didn't know what to do. But its a tragic thing and I'm sorry for the people who lost someone.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Adding Sound

Having sound is really important. Having sound makes the game more interesting and shows you where the buttons are.

Mostly all games have sound. My opinion is that games would be boring and aren't as fun as games with sound. If you go to a website with games, the games will most likely have sound to them.

I really haven't learned anything from other people blogs except that this is very hard and confusing.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Adding Interaction

I do and don't like working in flash. Two reasons why I don't like working in flash is because flash is really confusing to me and I don't get half the things the instructions tell me to do. Some reasons why I like working in flash is because i like the fact that I'm creating a game that I want to create, it helps me know what I'm going to deal with when I get to college, I love how flash makes me wonder what I'm going to do the next day, and i love how flash keeps me interested on the making the game.

My Game Topic Building for The Homeless

The statistics estimate that there are 600,000-2.5 million people in the United States that are homeless. My game is designed where you can build homes for the homeless. It shows you what it takes to build houses and what jobs you have when you build houses. I'm making this game so people might see what it's like to help someone out. I'm hoping that people will finally see that homeless people need to have shelter to live and that they need to stay warm also.

Adding Animation

Adding animation is fun, I love how you can make things move. When I first started, making this game was boring but now that i'm starting to add animation to my game it's getting really interesting.

I admire this animation because I like how it makes the players to move and able to shoot the ball. I also like how they make Kobe Bryant pump fake and then spin to get the shot.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Adding Navigation

Adding Navigation to my game is very confusing and hard but at the same time I think it's very interesting and fun. I think this is interesting and fun because I get to make my own game and I get to add whatever buttons I want to my game. Some reasons I think this is confusing and hard is because I really don't know what to do or how to put buttons on the game. I hope that I can learn how to put buttons on the game and figure out what to do.

Friday, March 5, 2010

How I am using Frames and Keyframes in my game.

To tell the truth I really don't know any other ways or why I am using keyframes and frames in my game, and I really don't even know how to make my game. In my game I'm using frames to set how long I want that scene to last. I'm using keyframes to change the content in the timeline from its previous state.

Friday, February 19, 2010

The Importance of the Paper Prototype

Paper prototyping is a widely used method in the user-centered design process, a process that helps developers to create software that meets the user's expectations and needs. It involves creating rough, hand-sketched, drawings of an interface to use as prototypes, or models, of a design.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Importance on Internet Safety

  1. You should NEVER give your real name out to people unless you know them.
  2. You should NEVER talk to people that you don't know or give out any personal information about yourself to that person.
  3. NEVER talk to strangers.
  4. You shouldn't give your password to anyone.
  5. You NEVER should meet anyone from online and never say anything sexual. Watch what they say because it can all be a LIE!

Aother Person's Blog

I liked Zhane's blog on "What Would You Do" because she showed her true feelings about the game and she also describe the game and compared the game to high school. Zhane's blog was very eye catching and informational.

Today in Class

Today in class I edited my Wiki and my blog. This class is very confusing to me but at the same time I think it's really interesting. I really hope this class gets easier when I finally get caught up.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Cost of Life

The Cost of Life is about taking a family that lives in Haiti and helping them have the best life they can. The game has 4 years divided into 16 seasons. Each year has different events. You have the choice to go all out and buy gifts for your kids or just have a normal celebration. The only thing I think that this game could improve on is that it shows what the people are doing at work and what they are doing at school but other than that this is game has great graphics and its clear on what you have to do. It's also a great way to see what the people over in Haiti go through in their everyday life. We can learn how great our lives are compared to their lives and sart showing some consideration and start sending money over to haiti so they can get somethign for their kids or have some money so they can get something to eat.